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April 28,2022

by Boofeeder Press

Our very own Boo Feeder has done it again. He managed a stealthy, recorded conversation with Hunter Biden when he ran into him at a Best Buy in Bethesda, Md. Here is a transcript of that unusual, nay, bizarre, chance meeting:

BF – Hunter? Hunter Biden? What’s that? A new Apple laptop? Nice!

HB – What? Oh this? Yeah, my guy said to get a basket of apples but c’mon dude! One of these dudes is all I got the duckets for after paying the big-ass guys bills. I gotta talk to my sis about that. Anyway, nice talking to you dude, whoever you are.

BF – Boo, Boo Feeder is my name, collecting crack conversations is my game. Glad to meet you. Care for a bit of chit chat?

HB – Crack? You got some? Oh man, it’s been so freaking long. Pops said I got to keep it on the DL, as if he knows what that means. Down Low but the big guy thinks it’s for Deep Lemon, his fave hair color. I know, I know. Crack? You hit the pipes Boobster? Oh man, it’s been too long. Two days now. Two days without a hit is like a month without sunshine. You dig dude? Ever been to Seattle? Man, no sun but plenty of crack cocaine! Ever been there Booby?

BF – No sir, never been to Murder City and I don’t hit the pipe as you say and I don’t have crack. What I do have is curiosity. I’m curious why your buddy, Eric Schwerin, met with you and your father twenty seven times while the Big Guy was Vice President of the USA. Why did you have so many prior meetings?

HB – Oh man, that was some shit huh? Caught his damn hair on fire then went running down the road! Never have I lit my head instead of the bowl. That’s cray cray! By the way, I don’t own a bicycle. Not a Huffy or a Schrwinn. Crack? You have any hits? Just a chipper, you know. Any? Wow, this box is getting heavy. Just a chip of a chip, that’s all I want.

BF – Not Richard Pryor, Hunter. Prior meetings that … never mind. You made millions of dollars while your father was VP and now that he’s POTUS, you could really get your hooks in those people that handed over cash for favors. Big favors for sure equal big, big money for the Biden family. No?

HB – C’mon dude! You say you have some crack and now you want to toss in a couple hookers? Yes! I’m in. To hell with this laptop, I have enough problems with laptops anyway. ( Hunter then slams the $6000 MacBook on the floor with a very expensive crunch sound ) Laptop, shlaptop! Let’s roll dude! Boobster. Funny ass name but anybody with coke and babes that choke is a friend of mine!

The store manager didn’t care who the guy was. Number One son or not, he was going to pay with money and time in the hoosegow. The Montgomery County police sent one officer to whisk away Hunter Biden and Boo Feeder thought “Finally, that man will pay some consequences for his behavior” as the police car went down Old Georgetown Road. But, the serendipitous event had a short life for as the police car stopped at a traffic light, Boo saw the First Son exit the car and walk away. It sounded like he was singing “Jimmie Crack Corn and I don’t care, Gimmie crack now and don’t burn my hair” but of that The Boobster could not be certain.

Written by boofeeder

April 28, 2022 at 4:09 pm